
The hunter call of the wild diamond calculator
The hunter call of the wild diamond calculator

the hunter call of the wild diamond calculator

  • Double bearded Turkeys initially considered the length of both beards.
  • Deer and pig species were mostly changed due to improvements in the racks and tusks (incl.
  • This changed the possible top scores for some species.
  • Since season 30 all numbers are shown with four decimals.
  • After season 8 all scores were shown with three decimals including the previous scores.
  • the hunter call of the wild diamond calculator

    For example the best Blacktail scored 245 6/8. In seasons 1-7 the scores were fractions of eighths.

    the hunter call of the wild diamond calculator

    This is reflected with the "generations". The scoring of various animals changed over time. The score qualifies as "A" if shot in air (about 1m above ground/water surface) or as "G" if shot on ground. The score qualifies as "A" if shot in air (about 1m above ground) or as "G" if shot on ground. If the weight part is bigger a "W" is added, if the tusk part is bigger a "T" is added. Number of points on each antler excluding Brows.Differences between all measurements from the scoring.Number of abnormal points on both antlers and differences between all measurements from the scoring.Circumferences of beams at smallest place.the Harvest Value or any of its components (trophy integrity, wound time).you cannot damage antlers and thus reduce the score) The following factors do not influence the score of an animal: The Cross Species Score ("CSS") value on the harvest screen is explained here.Harvest Value has nothing to do with the scoring of the animals.Rabbits/hares are an exception, their females get heavier than males and thus score higher. Females of some species have a score, but they will usually score lower.Click on the animal's score in your hunt statistics or personal best lists to see the scoring details. The table below is a simplified description. You can find the detailed scoring information on the score sheet of every animal.The scoring of the animals follows real life scoring guidelines such as that of Boone & Crockett.3 TruRACS: Simplified Guide for Deer Scoring.

    The hunter call of the wild diamond calculator