The first step is to make sure you add Personal Hotspot to your data plan. A USB cable will be required if you want to connect via USB. To use the Personal Hotspot feature, you’ll need an iPhone 4 or newer model using iOS 4.3 or later versions, and a data plan that supports Personal Hotspot or tethering. This way, the iPhone acts as a wireless router for your computer and other devices. Personal Hotspot allows your iPhone to tether and share a cellular data connection with other devices nearby via WiFi, Bluetooth or USB. You may also check the link: Printing with Wi-Fi Direct. 71 of the user guide from the link: User Guide. If your iPhone has a 3G or 4G data connection, you can share your internet connection using the Personal Hotspot network sharing tool, and go online. If you do not have a router, then you can connect your phone to the printer by wireless direct. How To Connect Your Computer To An iPhone Mobile Hotspot

The next screen will let you set a password. If yours is one of them, enable that setting. To turn your iPhone into a hotspot, go to Settings, then Personal Hotspot. Some phones have a setting that turns off the hotspot when it’s not in use, or when no devices are connected. Note: Tethering your computer to your smartphone can drain the phone’s battery, so make sure both devices are plugged into a power outlet while tethering, and turn off the connections once you’re done.